Paper and Electronics

Joomchi and electronics
Joomchi and electronics
Joomchi and electronics
Joomchi and electronics
Joomchi and electronics
Joomchi and electronics
Joomchi and electronics
Joomchi and electronics
Abaca and Electronics
Abaca and Electronics

We are working on the integration of electronics and paper, specifically handmade paper. This is part of our interest in exploring the spaces between the analog and the digital, or more appropriately, how we don’t see any distinction between the analog and the digital. We want to create a world where that distinction doesn’t make sense anymore.

We are integrating electronics into paper in two ways. The first is by sewing components onto a sheet of pre-made paper using conductive thread, and then embedding that sheet within other pre-made sheets using the Korean method of hand “felting” paper called joomchi. The second is to embed the components into double (or more!) couched sheets of paper at the time of sheet forming.

Presentations and Publications