Liminal Poetics Lab Members

N. Adriana Knouf (she/her/hers, sie/hir/hirs) is an Assistant Professor of Cinema and Media Studies at Wellesley College in Wellesley, MA. She is a media scholar and artist researching noise, interferences, boundaries, and limits in media technologies and communication. Her recent book, How Noise Matters to Finance (University of Minnesota Press, 2016), traced how the concept of  “noise” in the sonic and informatic domains of finance mutated throughout the late 20th century into the 21st. Her current…
Bozena studies media theory and keeps herself busy tweeting and reading, usually together.
Victoria Y. Uren is a 2017 graduate of Wellesley College and research assistant at the lab. Her interests include literary theory, simulations, big movies, semiotics, recent novels, and neuroscience.