About the Liminal Poetics Laboratory

The liminal is the betwixt and the between. It’s the space between land and water, where the boundary is uncertain, fluid, flowing, ever-changing, moving, advancing and receding, unclear. Yet boundary itself is too sharp of a term, there is no boundary at all, it’s rather a space, a time, a duration that fades from one kind to another. It can’t be labeled, “here”. It can’t be demarcated, “there”. The liminal is not the place of naming.

The liminal is openness fuzziness (      ) ……… air fog interplanetary space space between inside and outside porosity.

The liminal poetics laboratory develops media projects within this liminal space, testing out how we can exist in a world without binaries between analog and digital, old and new, signal and noise, handmade and machine-made, soft and hard, writing and making, on the ground and up in the air, past and future, science and art, humanities and science, 2D and 3D, 3D and 4D, and and and and and and and.